The pathophysiology of posttraumatic stress disorder involves alterations in the neurotransmitter and neurohormonal functioning. For a patient to be diagnosed as PTSD, the duration of the symptoms must be more than one month. However, the symptoms of PTSD overlap with acute stress disorder. There is a significant impairment in social, occupational, and other areas of functioning. Furthermore, problems with sleep and concentration, irritability, increased reactivity, increased startle response, hypervigilance, avoidance of traumatic triggers also occur.

The symptoms of PTSD include persistently re-experiencing the traumatic event, intrusive thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks, dissociation(detachment from oneself or reality), and intense negative emotional (sadness, guilt) and physiological reaction on being exposed to the traumatic reminder.
Ptsd intrusive thoughts manual#
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-5) has included PTSD in the new category of Trauma- and Stress-related Disorders. Following the traumatic event, PTSD is common and is one of the serious health concerns that is associated with comorbidity, functional impairment, and increased mortality with suicidal ideations and attempts. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a syndrome that results from exposure to real or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual assault.